Java based Web App Development

Programming with Java

  • 1k Enrolled
  • All levels
  • Last updated 01/2024
  • English,Telugu,Hindi
Course Description

Welcome to the Programming with Java course.

In this practical hands-on training, you’re going to master web development using Angular with this ultimate course that includes all the latest web development technologies.

We provide an end-to-end guidance to all topics necessary for current industry level standards. We focus on foundational topics so that students have a strong knowledge on basics. We understand that theory alone isn't going to give you the best experience, so that's why this course is packed with practical hands on examples that you can follow step by step.

What you’ll learn
  • How to write, and execute code in Java from scratch
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Object Oriented Principles
  • Multi Threading
  • Database interactivity
  • Web Application Fundamentals
  • Hibernate
  • Spring
  • Spring Boot
  • RMI
  • REST API's
  • Microservices

How Java works with OOPs

How to write and Execute Java Program?

Object Oriented Principles Basics

What are Classes, Declaring Members: Fields and Methods

Objects/Class Instantiation, Reference Values

Instance Members Invoking Methods

Static Members

Inheritance and Aggregation

Basic Building Blocks of Java Programming

token, keywords, literals

Primitive Data Types Integer Types The char Type The Floating-Point Types The boolean Type

Variable Declarations Declaring and Initializing Variables Reference Variables


Constructors The Default Constructor Overloaded Constructors

Arrays Declaring Array Variables Constructing an Array Initializing an Array Using an Array Anonymous Arrays Multidimensional Arrays

Command Line Arguments: main() Method arguments

Operators, Expressions and Statements

Symbols and Operators

Operator Precedence and Rules



while and for loop based iteration

switch-case, break,continue and return

Exception Handling with try,catch and finally

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Overriding vsOverloading

The super() Constructor Call

Interfaces, Abstract Method Declarations Implementing Interfaces Extending Interfaces

Inheritance Versus Aggregation

Object Lifetime and Garbage Collection

java.lang Package and Wrapper Classes

Object Class

Utility Methods


Boolean Wrapper Classes


String Class

Initializing Strings


Pattern programs


The File Class and Querying the File System

File or Directory Existence

File and Directory Permissions

Processing Files and Directories


Byte Streams: Input Streams and Output Streams File Streams

Character Streams: Readers and Writers

Object Serialization

Pattern Matching The StringBuilder and the StringBuffer Classes

Thread-Safety Mutability Constructing String Builders Reading and Changing Characters in String Builders

Localization, Pattern Matching, and Formatting

The java.util.Locale Class

The java.util.Date Class

The java.util.Calendar Class

String Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions Regular Expression Fundamentals

Formatting Values Overview Defining Format Specifiers Conversion Categories and Formatting Conversions


Synchronization Locks

Synchronized Methods

Synchronized Blocks

Thread Transitions Thread States Thread Priorities Thread Scheduler Running and Yielding Sleeping and Waking Up Waiting and Notifying

Joining Blocking for I/O Thread Termination Deadlocks


Generic Types and Parameterized Types Generic Types Parameterized Types

Generic Interfaces Extending Generic Types Raw Types and Unchecked Warnings

Wildcards The Subtype Covariance Problem with Parameterized Types

Wildcard Types Subtype Covariance, extends Type Subtype Contravariance

super Type Subtype Bivariance, Subtype Invariance: Type Some Restrictions on Wildcard Types

Collections and Maps

Comparing Objects The equals() Method The hashCode() Method

The Comparable Interface The Comparator Interface

The Java Collections Framework

Core Interfaces Implementations

Collections Basic Operations Bulk Operations Iterators

Configuration of Web Container and Application

What is a web application,client,server,http protocol, tcp/ip and URL?

To set up Tomcat Container on a machine

To set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse

To configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs

Web application project structure

Servlets basics

What are Servlets?

What can they do? Why are they needed?

How do Servlets look in code?


Servlet Lifecycle


Basic HTML tags, JSP Lifecycle


Significance of above elements and fitment into the JSP Lifecycle

What are Directives in JSP?

JSP Tag library

Hibernate Architecture

Introduction to Hibernate and Persistent classes.

What is ORM principle? Why ORM?

ORM implementations

Setting up Hibernate project

Configuring all JARs and XML files

Hibernate CRUD

Setting up connection to DB using Hibernate

Performing basic CRUD operations using Hibernate API

Object Identity; Generator type classes

Using SQL with Hibernate

Using Criteria queries

Spring Modules

Spring Architecture explanation and all it's components

Spring Bean Factory

Spring Application Context

Spring Integration; Spring messaging, Spring JMS

Spring MVC and DAO

Setting up spring

Setting up of Spring framework

Download JARs

Configure XML files

Dependency Injection and Spring AOP

What is Dependency Injection?

How is it implemented using Spring Framework?

Bean Wiring mechanisms in Spring

5. Spring AOP

Sprint Boot Introduction and Project Setup

Spring vs Spring Boot vs Spring MVC

Spring Boot Architecture

Spring Initializr

Download & Install STS IDE

Spring Boot CLI

Project Components

Annotations Dependency Management

Application Properties

Starters Starter Parent Starter Web Starter Data JPA Starter Actuator Starter Test


Multi Module Project Packaging

Tool Suite and AOP

Hello World Example Project Deployment Using Tomcat

What is AOP?

AOP Before Advice AOP After Advice

AOP Around Advice After Returning Advice After Throwing Advice

Spring Boot Database


JDBC H2 Database

Crud Operations

Thymeleaf View

Spring Boot Caching and misc

What is Caching?

Cache Provider

Run Spring Boot Application

Spring Boot Rest Example

Web Services: REST and SOAP

Logging Framework: Splunk, Log4J, SLF4j

Version Control GIT


GIT operations and Deployment

Render a h1 element in template
Live Demo

Display some text using interpolation
Live Demo

Display some text with data binding using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate logical expressions and display them using interpolation
Live Demo

Display the square root of 14 using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate the integer part of a decimal number and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Transform a string into uppercase and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate the length of a string and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate the reverse of a string and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate the sum of two numbers and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate the greatest of two numbers and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate whether a number is even or odd and display 'even' or 'odd' using interpolation
Live Demo

Evaluate whether a number is positive or negative and print 'positive' or 'negative' using interpolation
Live Demo

Determine the greatest between three numbers and display it using interpolation
Live Demo

Conditionally change the image URL using property binding
Live Demo

Merge two arrays and display all the elements
Live Demo

Apply border-width to an element using property binding
Live Demo

Apply styles to h1 elements using property binding
Live Demo

Flatten a multi-dimensional array and print it using interpolation
Live Demo

Create a list from an array of numbers
Live Demo

Create a list from an array of strings
Live Demo

Create a list from an array of values
Live Demo

Create a list of h1 elements from an array of numbers
Live Demo

Sort an array and display the elements in a list
Live Demo

Create a list of h1 elements from an array of strings
Live Demo

Create unordered list and ordered list from an array of strings
Live Demo

Display a list of strings in lowercase from an array of strings
Live Demo

Display two ordered lists in uppercase and lowercase from an array of strings
Live Demo

Create cards from an array of objects
Live Demo

Display a table for a given array of objects
Live Demo

Print each object in a separate list for a given array of objects
Live Demo

Print the object property values in uppercase from an array of objects
Live Demo

Print the properties of an object
Live Demo

Display the images from an array of image urls
Live Demo

Print only the first two letters of string elements from an array of strings
Live Demo

Print only the first letter of string elements from an array of strings
Live Demo

Take an array of strings and display them in reverse order in a list
Live Demo

display array of objects in table with female students row in pink
Live Demo

display each array of object in table
Live Demo

display each string of array in flex boxes
Live Demo

display each array element in flex boxes
Live Demo

Display different elements conditionally using ngIf
Live Demo

Display different images conditionally using ngIf
Live Demo

Display student details from an array of object and display male/female image for male/female students
Live Demo

Display numbers from an array only which are less than 25
Live Demo

Display numbers from an array only which are greater than 25
Live Demo

Print only odd numbers in a list from an array of numbers
Live Demo

Basic ngClass example
Live Demo

Basic ngStyle example
Live Demo

Apply green color in list items if positive and red color if negative
Live Demo

Apply green color in list items if even and red color if odd
Live Demo

Display array of objects in table with different colors for rows having
male and female people
Live Demo

Display array values in a list and apply green color for even values
and red color for odd values
Live Demo

Display array values in a list and apply green color if the string length
is even and red color if length is odd
Live Demo

apply red color to html h1 element
Live Demo

Display array values in a list and apply italic style if the value is even
and apply bold style if the value is odd
Live Demo

Display the content of an element when clicked on it
Live Demo

digital clock
Live Demo

Create a project that registers the number of likes and dislikes
Live Demo

Changing image URL using property binding and event binding
Live Demo

Create a todo list with delete button
Live Demo

Display the elements of an array with index in a list
Live Demo

Bind event handler with arguments to display the number 100
Live Demo

Image gallery app
Live Demo

Display the selected date from datepicker in h1 element
Live Demo

Display check box value in console
Live Demo

Print the button value in console on clicking it
Live Demo

Display select box value in h1 element
Live Demo

Display respective images on clicking radio button
Live Demo

Display radio button value on check
Live Demo

Calculate multiplication and division of two numbers and display
it using buttons
Live Demo

Calculate the subtraction of two numbers and display it using button
Live Demo

Calculate the addition of two numbers and display it using button
Live Demo

Display text-box value in h1 element on keyup event
Live Demo

Display text box value in uppercase in h1 element
Live Demo

display text box value in h1 element on clicking a button
Live Demo

Print text box value in console on clicking a button
Live Demo

Alert some text on clicking a button
Live Demo

display the event object for a click on div with 300px width and height
with 200px in angular
Live Demo

Change search box text colour using custom directives
Live Demo

Builtin pipes
Live Demo

Search and sort filter on click
Live Demo

Search data in a list using custom pipe
Live Demo

Data binding with ngModel
Live Demo

Data binding with checkbox and button disabled
Live Demo

radio button based conditional display
Live Demo

ngFor even odd property example
Live Demo

Angular calculator using radio buttons
Live Demo

Todo list with filtering
Live Demo

Parent-child component communication using @Input decorator
Live Demo

Child-parent using @Output decorator
Live Demo

Using @Input and @Output together
Live Demo

Accessing and displaying form input values
Live Demo

Loan EMI calculator
Live Demo

Angular ReactiveForms validation, filling and resetting data
Live Demo

Reactive Forms validation and displaying data in table
Live Demo

Basic routing example
Live Demo

Routing example with several components with different data
Live Demo

Angular childrouting with Router Links
Live Demo

Parameterized routes
Live Demo

Query Params
Live Demo

Angular Childrouting with Router navigate method
Live Demo

Routing with guards
Live Demo

Angular login logout with basic guard
Live Demo

Angular lazy loading
Live Demo

Basic component communication using a service
Live Demo

Arithmetic operation using basic service
Live Demo

Basic todo list using service
Live Demo

Todolist with delete functionality
Live Demo

Basic products cart example using a service
Live Demo

Email app using services
Live Demo

Angular async addition with spinner
Live Demo

Angular HTTP calls using HttpClient
Live Demo

Angular Classifieds Project
Live Demo

Angular component communication using Eventemitter
Live Demo

Basic BehaviourSubject example
Live Demo

Angular Observables, Subjects and Behavioursubjects
Live Demo

Angular products cart with login and logout
Live Demo

Updating two components with EventEmitter and BehaviourSubject
Live Demo
Book A Trip

The Book A Trip project utilises Google Maps and helps a user to enter their destination and get the directions to the specified location. It also prints the distance between the two locations. The user can also manually drag the location marker to change their source and destination locations on the map.

Book Mart

The Book Mart project is an e-commerce application which consists of a big list of books that a user can choose from. It lets the user search, sort and filter the books according to title, discount, price or categories. Users can add the books to cart where they can add, remove or increase the number of each book they want to buy. The cart display the total price after deducting the discount and adding delivery charge wherever applicable.

Credo Card

The Credo Card project is a credit card application that displays a customer's credit card information like spending limit, pending transaction, spending availability etc. It allows customers to login according to their credentials and display the details(Go to the live demo and enter email as 'admin' and password as 'password' to see the complete application).

Countries List

The Countries List project displays a list of all countries of the world. This project lets us sort,filer and search the countries list. It lets the user to sort the countries in ascending and descending order of their populations. It also allows users to filter the countries according to region and subregion. It consists of a search box where users can search for a particular country. There is also an option to switch the view between card view and details view. When users click on a particular country, it locates the country on the world map.

Memory Game

The Memory Game project is a basic remembering game where users can score points by remembering the cards displayed on the screen. Initially, the screen displays eight cards consisting of different pairs of pictures. After a certain time, the cards flip and hides the pictures. Players need to remember the picture cards and match them in pairs. Players score points according to the number of pairs they can match. The players can also select the number of rounds they want to play.




This course includes

  • Lectures 50
  • Duration 1h 30m
  • Skills Beginner
  • Language English,Telugu,Hindi
  • Certificate Yes

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