Adding an Image to a Web Page
The role of images in a webpage
Specifying locations in web pages
Customizing Links
Exploring link options
Basic links
Why links?
Submit and Reset buttons
Multiline text boxes
Drop-down list fields
File upload fields
Hidden fields
Checkboxes and radio buttons
Password fields
Text fields
Input tags
Creating forms
How a form looks like?
Adding Headers Cells
Creating a Basic Table
Description list
Unordered list
Ordered list
More formatting elements
Other text elements
Working with language elements
Abbreviations, Definitions, Quotations and Citations
Creating Breaks
Basic text formatting elements
Creating a page from scratch using VS Code
Creating a page from scratch using Notepad
Setting Up the Basic Document Structure
Parents, Children, Descendants and Siblings
The Outer Structure of an HTML Document
Element Attributes
HTML elements
How HTML creates a website
Creating HTML markup
How a website works
Web Browsers vs Web Servers and Internet/HTTP
Webpage vs Website
Submit and Reset buttons
Submit and Reset buttons help the user tell the browser what to do with the form. You can create buttons to either submit or reset your form, using the <input> element with the following type and value attributes:
1. Submit: Visitors have to tell a browser when they’re done with a form and want to send the contents. You create a button to submit the form to you by using the following markup:
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
You don’t use the name attribute for the Submit and Reset buttons. Instead, you use the value attribute to specify how the browser labels the buttons for display.
2. Reset: Visitors need to clear the form if they want to start all over again or decide not to fill it out. You create a button to reset (clear) the form by using the following markup:
<input type=”reset” value=”Clear”>
You can set the value to anything you want to appear on the button. In our example, we set ours to Clear. Of course, you can use something that’s more appropriate to your website if you’d like.
The following is an example of markup to create Submit and Reset buttons named Send and Clear, respectively: